Features and problems of translation of media discourse texts | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №5 (400) февраль 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 05.02.2022

Статья просмотрена: 92 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Байжигит, М. Т. Features and problems of translation of media discourse texts / М. Т. Байжигит. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 5 (400). — С. 336-338. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/400/88619/ (дата обращения: 07.05.2024).

In this article, I will try to identify the characteristic features of the translation of media discourse on the material of modern television news. The article is devoted to the study of one of the urgent problems of media translation. In the context of the rapid development of technologies and various methods of communication, as well as the growing role of information in the life of society, information genres in various types of media are of particular importance. Currently, they are experiencing a stage of serious competition with new technological possibilities of forms for obtaining and creating information. The article shows the specifics of translation activity as a process that includes both linguistic and paralinguistic aspects of transferring the content and meaning of a text from one language to another, accompanied by language and cognitive operations.

Keywords: discourse, media discourse, translation aspects, translator, problems of translation, media, television news.

В данной статье я попытаюсь выявить характерные черты перевода медиадискурса на материале современных телевизионных новостей.Статья посвящена изучению одной из актуальных проблем медиаперевода. В условиях стремительного развития технологий и различных способов коммуникации, а также возрастающей роли информации в жизни общества, информационные жанры в различных видах СМИ приобретают особую значимость. В настоящее время они переживают этап серьезной конкуренции с новыми технологическими возможностями форм получения и создания информации.

Встатье показана специфика переводческой деятельности как процесса, включающего как лингвистический, так и паралингвистический аспекты переноса содержания и смысла текста с одного языка на другой, сопровождаемого языковыми и когнитивными операциями.

Ключевые слова: дискурс, медиадискурс, переводческие аспекты, переводчик, проблемы перевода, СМИ, телевизионные новости.

Media discourse is included in the circle of interests of many sciences related to linguistics, which is largely explained by the very nature of mass communication. An intensive study of the media is carried out in sociology, psychology, and communication theory.

To date, there are several approaches to the definition of media discourse. In particular, E. A. Kozhemyakin defines as follows, media discourse is conceived as any kind of discourse implemented in the field of mass communication, produced by the media. For the implementation of media discourse, it assumes the existence of a relatively stable set of practices for the production of broadcast and interpretation of mass information. In the media discourse, there is a conversion of information into meanings, the fusion of information of various types, or the creation of special knowledge that is related only to media reality [1]. Thus, media linguistics, media discourse, media criticism and others become stable concepts. The selection of media linguistics as an independent direction is associated with a single object of previously disparate aspects of the study of media texts. The subject of study of the emerging scientific direction is a comprehensive study of the functioning of the language in the field of mass communication. At the same time, media text is a dialectical unity of linguistic and media features, represented by three levels of media speech: verbal text, video sequence or graphic image level, sound accompaniment level. Within the framework of media linguistics, all components and levels of texts of mass communication are analyzed in combination of linguistic and extralinguistic factors: the influence of the methods of creating and distributing media texts on their linguistic and format features, issues of functional-genre classification, phonological, syntagmatic and stylistic characteristics, interpretive properties, culture-specific features, ideological modality, pragmalinguistic value. By analogy with media linguistics, which is entrenched in general linguistics, we understand media translation as one of the independent areas of translation studies.

The main objective external factor in the formation of media translation, as an independent scientific direction, in the first place, is the rapid growth of information and communication technologies, the creation of a global network of media communications. The emergence of media linguistics, the formation of the terminological apparatus of media translation can be considered as scientific prerequisites for its development and dissociation from the traditional direction of translation studies.

Kazakh researchers of the media language Sh. Nurgozhina and A. Zhusupova, S. Furman note the positive and negative consequences of freedom of speech in the media. The positive consequences of the researchers include the return of official oral speech (in the Soviet period there was only voiced written speech); the possibility of expressing alternative opinions in various speech ways; rejection of Soviet officialdom and the formation of different idiostyles of journalists and media publications [2, 3].

The negative results of «freedom» of speech include the following phenomena in the language of modern media. Live broadcast and the prohibition of censorship freed oral speech from previously accepted restrictions, which led to a decrease in the level of culture of media speech, to its orientation towards colloquial speech and vernacular. The functional-genre affiliation of a media text is an obligatory parameter for a typological description of mass media texts. Today, in the field of mass communication, speech use is distinguished by its dynamics, genre renewal. A. S. Mikoyan in his work «Problems of Translation of Media Texts» distinguishes the following types of press texts: — news materials (chronicle of events); — comments; — analytical reviews on various topics (politics, economics, public life, social problems, morality, culture, science, etc.); — interview; — sports news/reports; — advertising materials [4, p. 5].

G. S. Melnik classifies media texts in terms of their impact on the audience and groups them as follows [5]: — texts designed for simultaneous impact on specific social institutions; — texts, the purpose of which is to influence the consciousness of a mass audience, fundamentally designed for an immediate response of a person or social institution; — texts designed for an immediate reaction, requiring interference with reality and not designed to influence the consciousness of a mass audience; — texts are neutral, informing, enlightening and not designed for immediate reaction.

T. G. Dobrosklonskaya in her work presents the classical structure of the news release of the English version [6]. A typical 30-minute prime time television news program usually follows this pattern: — introduction «news headlines»: the host reads out a list of events covered in the program, the so-called «news headlines», which provide a block of information cells filled in more detail in the main part of the release; — the main part of the “news in detail” release, where each message (news item) indicated in the “news headlines” is presented in expanded form, namely: the text of the presenter, reports of correspondents, interviews with participants in the event; in addition, a stable thematic structure of the program is important, built on the basis of the already mentioned content categories and thematic groups: home — foreign, hard news — soft news, politics, business, sport, culture, weather; — the final part of the news text, or «news summary», which briefly summarizes the events covered in the program.

Also I. V. Rogozina mentions that the prevalence of the construction there is in English news texts is also due to the basic stylistic feature of this type of media texts, namely their desire for impersonality, neutrality, intentional distancing of the creators and senders of the news text from its content. In other words, the way of describing events that is characteristic of the news text is based not on the “I have seen, we witnessed” approach, but on the “there is, there has been” approach [7].

Consider the lexical and phraseological level of news texts. Despite the fact that the methodology of lexico-phraseological analysis is constantly being improved, a number of invariable parameters can be distinguished that are used to describe at the lexico-phraseological level. This refers to the «measurement» of the text in terms of the degree of implementation in it of such important properties as cliché.

It can be said that the category of cliché is based on the opposition of regularly reproduced units introduced into speech as if in a finished form, i.e. already existing in the language experience of the speaker (marked member), and those phrases that are clearly created in the process of speech (unmarked member) [8].

The analyzed material shows the following results. Medialinguistics is a new branch of linguistics that has an interdisciplinary character. Medialinguistics studies the functioning of language in the field of mass communication.

First, the language of the media is the entire corpus of texts produced and distributed by the media; secondly, it is a stable intralinguistic system characterized by a certain set of linguo-stylistic properties and features; and, thirdly, it is a special mixed-type sign system with a certain ratio of verbal and audiovisual components specific to each of the media: print, radio, television, the Internet. Further, we can conclude that television information and news texts are texts produced by the media, in other words, media texts [9]. At the same time, it seems appropriate to consider the release of television news as a completely special type of text. First of all, it is a media text that exists in several «dimensions», a text that has media properties [10]. The analysis of the works allows us to conclude that television news is information messages that unfold at several levels: verbal, non-verbal, video and audio accompaniment. Television news has all the basic features of a text. Television information and news texts belong to the socio-political bloc. The socio-political bloc forms the agenda for politicians and diplomats. The studied theoretical material gives us the right to the following conclusions: television information and news texts in Russian and English have the following common features: — the presence of a large number of verb phrases, passive forms, syntactic compounds; — a large number of quotes and links to sources of information, clichéd phrases; — a large number of phrases marked with cultural values belonging to another nationality. In conclusion, we can say that the television information and news text is a kind of media text, which is a complex multi-level and multi-dimensional phenomenon.


  1. Остапенко Т. А. Коммуникативно-прагматический потенциал нечленимых предложений в современном русском языке: автореф. … канд. филол. наук. — Белгород, 2008. — 22 с.
  2. Тер-Минасова С. Г. Язык и межкультурная коммуникация. — М., 2000. — С. 10.
  3. Фурман С. Влияние интернета на информационный рынок Казахстана // Вестник КазНУ, Серия журналистики. — 2010. — № 1(27). — С. 52.
  4. Кирия К. Д. Новостной телевизионный текст: структура, стратегия, экспрессивность: дис. … канд. филол. наук. — МГУ, 2007. — С. 112.
  5. Райс К. Классификация текстов и методы перевода. Вопросы теории перевода в зарубежной лингвистике. — М., 1978. — С. 202–228.
  6. КирияК.Д.Новостнойтелевизионныйтекст:структура, экспрессивность: канд. … канд. филол. наук. — М., 2007. — C. 83.
  7. Bonvillain N. Language, Culture and Communication. — New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1997. — Р. 45.
  8. Montgomery M. An Introduction to Language and Society.- London: OUP, 1992. — P. 32.
  9. Dominick J. R.The Dynamics of Mass Communication. — N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1993. — P. 12.
  10. Halliday M. A. K. Language Structure and Language Function. In: New Horizons in linguistics. — London, 1971. — Р. 18.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): OUP.

Ключевые слова

discourse, media discourse, media, translation aspects, translator, problems of translation, television news

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