Using web-technologies for teaching foreign language and translation | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: , ,

Рубрика: Информационные технологии

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №20 (206) май 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 16.05.2018

Статья просмотрена: 623 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Варламова, Л. П. Using web-technologies for teaching foreign language and translation / Л. П. Варламова, Ш. Б. Абидова, С. Р. Каххаров. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 20 (206). — С. 7-9. — URL: (дата обращения: 27.07.2024).

The article examines various aspects of the application of modern means and methods of teaching in order to achieve the greatest effect of the educational process

Keywords: Web technologies, Internet, training, distance learning, system, text translation, forms of training.

В статье рассматриваются различные аспекты применения современных средств и методов обучения для достижения наибольшего эффекта образовательного процесса.

Ключевые слова: Web-технологии, Интернет, обучение, дистанционное обучение, система, перевод текста, формы обучения.

Throughout the world, there is growing interest in learning different foreign languages, creating various applications for teaching and translating tests. The advantage of implementing Web technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language is no longer in doubt and does not require additional evidence. Models of the process of «human» and machine translation are applied to new information technologies. There are a number of works devoted to the using Web technologies for teaching foreign languages [1–3], in which researchers revealed the positive impact of various forms of synchronous and asynchronous Internet communication (e-mail, chat, forums, web conferences, etc.) on the formation of a communicative competence of learners in another language. Directly the Internet resources are an invaluable and immense base for creating an information-objective environment, education and self-education of people, satisfaction of their professional and personal interests and needs. The Internet as a new alternative means allows you to find interesting articles in a foreign language, illustrations of any sights of the country of the studied language, audio information on any topic. With the help of the Internet it is possible to solve different didactic tasks: to form skills and reading skills using modern materials from the network; improve the skills of written speech; replenish the vocabulary; form a stable motivation for learning a foreign language.

Translation is currently an extremely relevant kind of language activity due to the fact that the volume of mass communication is constantly expanding, new languages are entering into communication, and the only way to effectively overcome language barriers is translation. Language barriers are the main obstacle to the dissemination of information, the bulk of which relates to scientific and technical, which determines technological progress and the development of civilization. There are other ways to overcome language barriers, namely a single language and teaching foreign languages at different levels of education.

Foreign language teachers are taught either by foreign language teachers or by practice translators, although it is clear that neither the knowledge of the language nor the ability to translate mean yet the ability itself to successfully and professionally conduct translation lessons with students. For this we need a special methodological development, knowledge of the specifics of the language, principles and methods of organizing the educational process.

With the remote form of teaching a foreign language, modern techniques allow you to make translations, master phonetic skills and master grammar while in any convenient place. At the same time, there is no need to wait for someone or a certain time to start classes, you can start learning, saving time and money using a computer and the Internet. Trough to Web technologies, educational institutions can use this opportunity and expand the range of services offered. Universities can offer their students a remote study of foreign languages both as additional educational opportunities and simply to improve the quality of existing curricula in foreign languages using various modern technologies. The combination of the principles of accessibility, visibility, reliance on the native language and traditional forms of control and a well-developed system of regular testing of knowledge used by universities will add to such occupations the seriousness and quality and will allow students to learn a foreign language, which is extremely relevant today [5].

The use of Web technologies in teaching a foreign language allows you to regulate the whole process with:

‒ change the levels of complexity of tasks, thereby using a differentiated approach to students [6];

‒ to eliminate shortcomings and shortcomings of the main learning process;

‒ to increase time to build skills and to consolidate knowledge.

In the process of teaching a foreign language, a student has to use a terminological and thematic dictionary, additional material on the thematic text topic, a block of tasks for mastering the material, special software or a Web site [7].

Unlimited possibilities to solve problems of using Web technologies in teaching foreign language on the basis of distance learning are provided by modern information technologies that allow storing, processing and delivering data at any distance, of any volume and content.

A modern teacher can use all possible means or teaching tools. The traditional systems of electronic education (LMS — Learning Management Systems) allow the teacher to create a virtual space for their studies. Advantages of LMS is that with their help the teacher can upload their materials, work programs, lesson plans, assignments for students, audio and video materials to their virtual cabinet. In addition, students can also share their feedbacks, leave their completed assignments, chat in chats and forums in these systems. This is a kind of virtual classroom that enables the teacher to organize and control the learning process. Moreover, the teacher can monitor the entire virtual educational process from any place, which greatly simplifies the function of assessing the teacher.


  1. November A. Teaching Zach to think // High School Principal. 1998. Retrieved from World Wide Web from handouts/internet/teaching_zack.cfm
  2. Belz J. A., Thorne S. L. Computer-mediated Intercultural Foreign Language Education. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle, 2006.
  3. Thorne S. L., & Black R. Language and Literacy Development in Computer-mediated Contexts and Communities // Annual Review of Applied Linguistics. 2008. № 28.
  4. Yerenchinova EB The use of the Internet in teaching foreign languages [Text] // Innovative pedagogical technologies: materials of the Intern. sci. Conf. (Kazan, October 2014). — Kazan: Beech, 2014. -P. 325–327. — URL (date of the application: 11.05.2018).
  5. Sadovskaya E.Yu. Distance learning foreign language / / Materials of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference «Actual problems of business education, April 8–9, 2010, Minsk.
  6. Varlamova LP, Kabilzhanova FA Case — technology as an innovative method of the educational process // Bulletin of TUIT № 3 (39)», 2016, 97–102 pages.
  7. Danilov O. E., Pozdeeva O. G. The peculiarities of distance teaching // Problems and prospects of the development of education: the materials of V international scientific conference. Perm‘, 2014. P. 34–37.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): LMS, TUIT, URL.

Ключевые слова

internet, distance learning, training, Web technologies, system, text translation, forms of training

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