Integrating the English language into the development of marketing strategy in enterprises | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Integrating the English language into the development of marketing strategy in enterprises / А. А. Атаева, Р. Д. Доврангулиев, Л. С. Сопиева [и др.]. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 9 (456). — С. 150-151. — URL: (дата обращения: 12.02.2025).

Ke y words: marketing strategy, cooperation, marketing terminology, professional literature for marketers.

Revival of a new era of a stable state: National Program of Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022–2052" is defined as an important direction of our country's development, and this development is clearly expressed in the unity of the people and the consolidation of the Turkmen leader. It is a great statehood, a glorious page of history, a pride for us today, a great example for future generations. The Honorable President said: «In the successful implementation of my goals, I rely, first of all, on our people, their unity and integrity, understanding and courage. A country is only a country with its people! A state is only a state with its people! In his wise words [22, 2], one can see the great love for our beloved Motherland and the high regard for the Turkmen people. «Our main goal is to ensure the peace and security of our beloved Motherland, its socio-economic development, to further improve the standard of living of our people, to strengthen peace and mutual trust in the whole world» [22, 2] His wise words took a place in the hearts of the Turkmen people. The Turkmen people are confidently moving forward with the Turkmen leader. The era favors new developments, because integrity, unity, and unity are the guiding principles of the people. This great period aims to further strengthen the foundations of the beloved Motherland and increase its international reputation.

During the revival of the new age of a stable state, our independent, permanently neutral state of Turkmenistan actively participates in the system of international relations and economic relations of the world. It promotes and implements important initiatives that are in line with national interests and generally recognized principles of the international community. Turkmenistan recognizes the Charter of the United Nations, bilateral and multilateral international agreements, contracts and conventions. Also, our country, which fully and correctly fulfills its international obligations, directs its enormous political, economic and cultural potential to the interests of global peace and development. The dignity of the dear Motherland, which is based on the legal status of eternal neutrality, and is committed to the principles of friendship and humanitarianism in international relations, continues to flourish. Today, our country attaches great importance to strengthening and deepening relations in the political, economic, cultural and humanitarian fields established with the United Nations, the European Union, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and other prestigious international organizations.

Foreign partners, international exhibitions, specialized literature — knowledge of the English language allows marketers to reach a new level. We will discuss the names of specialized professions, the cornerstones of marketing: product and brand expressions.

There are unusual borrowings from English in the field of marketing. Is it any wonder that most of the words are untranslatable? For example, the phrase «brand image» can be translated into Russian as «brand image», but without translation it is clear that we are talking about how the product is perceived by the consumer. As the context suggests, this refers to a brand that is generally considered a luxury brand.

What hobby will never go away? That's right, marketers! It's one of the key functions in any company that keeps growing. After all, even bloggers now have their own internet marketers. However, just getting a degree is not enough to be relevant and desirable in the labor market. You need to be confident in English and constantly improve your skills in webinars, courses and conferences. While we can't help you with the latter, we certainly can with English!

How does an advertising and marketing professional benefit from knowing English? Everything is simple here. Marketing terminology comes from English. Knowing the language will make it easier for marketers to understand these terms. But the most important thing is to work without geographical boundaries, work or cooperate with international companies. Also, as in many fields, access to the latest innovations and breakthroughs in marketing. This is an opportunity to study specialized literature in its original form, understand its meaning, and not wait for a translation.

Learning grammar is not enough for advertising in English. After all, advertising is a slogan, sometimes a play on words. So, a marketer should also learn idioms and idioms. So if you want to create advertising slogans in English, you need to improve your English. How to do this as quickly and efficiently as possible? The course will enable you to work through reading, speaking, listening and — all you need — writing. As a result, you can enter foreign markets and give good results in your business.

One-on-one online English lessons ensure a good knowledge base, and group lessons will focus on communication, conversational skills and using sentences in practice.

There are two main reasons for pursuing this career:

– Marketing terminology comes from English, so it will be easier to understand the meaning of all the words, which is especially important for new marketers.

– It is easier to find the most up-to-date professional literature for marketers in English. You'll be aware of the latest concepts and trends, and if your competitors aren't yet familiar with these ideas, you'll be able to put them into practice. Remember that the ideas of foreign authors are not always correctly translated into Russian, especially if you are reading an excerpt from a book on the Internet. Knowing English will allow you to understand exactly what the author is trying to convey to you.

Knowing the basics of marketing in English will help you successfully pass an interview in a foreign company and find a high-paying job. By being fluent in professional vocabulary, you will have a better chance to prove yourself and show good results, increase the number of clients and increase the income of your employer.


  1. Atayev C. A., Yagmyrov A.Ya.- «Expertise of the quality of food goods», Ashgabat 2001.
  2. Atayev Ch., Khojanazarova S., Kadyrov K., Sarygulov D. «Marketing» training book, part 1. 2010.
  3. Gurbanov A., Gurbanova L. Methodology of teaching foreign languages. Test textbook for high schools. -A.: TDNG, 2011.
  4. Borisov B. L. «Technology advertising and PR», Moscow-2001.
  5. Kotler F. Focus on marketing. under the direction of Penkova M., Progress.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): TDNG.

Ключевые слова

Cooperation, marketing strategy, marketing terminology, professional literature for marketers

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