The level of physical and technical preparation of young football players with 2 years of education (9 years old) | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Физическая культура и спорт

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №12 (116) июнь-2 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 18.06.2016

Статья просмотрена: 140 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Шилько, Т. А. The level of physical and technical preparation of young football players with 2 years of education (9 years old) / Т. А. Шилько, А. С. Далин. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 12 (116). — С. 944-945. — URL: (дата обращения: 11.05.2024).


To teach new football players and improve their physical properties can be both parallel and separately, or on their own.

Due to the fact that motor skills are more successfully formed on the basis of a solid physical preparation, it is expedient to devote more time for the training process and for the improvement of physical qualities of players. As there is a close connection between the development of physical qualities and the formation of motor skills, the general physical training is directed to the education of diverse physical abilities, required for the harmonious development of players, increasing the body`s efficiency, building a proper base for productive training work.

Physical preparation — is a person's ability to do various types of muscular activity, which depend on the level of development of physical qualities. According to analysts, the modern football is developing mainly in one direction: every year a game is becoming faster and faster, the speed of players is growing, the number of single combat is increasing, decreasing the execution of technical actions. It is known that the physical preparation of players is one of the most important factors that affects the efficiency of group, individual, technical and tactical actions. No matter how technically and tactically a football player is, he will never succeed without a good and versatile physical preparation. The team doesn`t succeed as well, in which even a physical preparation of one player does not satisfy modern standards of football. [1]

According to Platonov (1996), physical preparation is characterized by features of the functional systems of the athlete`s body, providing an effective competitive activity, and the level of development of basic physical qualities of speed, strength, endurance, agility (coordination abilities) and flexibility.

By technical training we understand the learning of basic motor actions and the improvement of selected forms of sports equipments (which are specific for sport), providing the achievements of high sports results [3, 4].

The purpose of the research is a comparison of physical and technical indicators of players` preparation, playing 3 years with the players, playing less than a year, who are about 9 years old.

Methods of the research.

The following methods of research were used: the analysis of literary sources, the pedagogical supervision, the control testing, the mathematical and statistical processing of the results.

The research was conducted in groups of initial preparation of the 2nd year of study with young football players of 9 years old on the basis of a junior football school, with groups of 12 people.

The organization of the research.

The testing of young players was held in two days. On the first day players performed control standards of physical training. It was 30 m running from the high starting position. The result was defined by an electronic stopwatch with an accuracy of up to 0.1 seconds. Long jump was performed from the position of squat with push of two, landing was carried out on both feet. The result was measured by tape tape with an accuracy of 1 cm. The performance of the test task 3x10 m was carried out by running of the section, changing the direction of the running to the opposite every 10 m. The result was defined by an electronic stopwatch with an accuracy of up to 0.1 seconds.

On the second day the players performed the standards of technical training. Juggling of the ball with foot and head. 3 attempts were given, the best was set off.

Results and their discussion.

In 30 m running (the players playing no more than a year) — one young player had a good result (8.33 %), 7 had a satisfactory result (58.33 %), 4 young sportsmen had an unsatisfactory result (33.32 %). The second group had much better results. 4 players had an excellent result (33.32 %), 3 players had a good result(24.99 %), even 4 had a satisfactory result (33.32 %), and only one had an unsatisfactory result (8.33 %).

The results in shuttle running 3 * 10 m: 2 players had an excellent result (16.66 %), 7 had a good result (58.33 %), 3 had a satisfactory result (24.99 %). In the second group all players were with excellent results (100 %).

In long jumping one player from the first group had an excellent result (8.33 %), 2 had a good result (8.33 %), 2 had a satisfactory result (16.66 %) and 8 players had an unsatisfactory result(66.64 %). In the second group 2 players had an excellent result (16,66 %), 6 players had a good result (49.98 %), 2 had a satisfactory result (16.66 %) and 2 players had an unsatisfactory result (16.66 %).

Juggling of the ball with foot the following results were shown: 7 players from the first group had an unsatisfactory result (58.33 %), one player had a satisfactory result (8.33 %), 4 had good results (33.32 %). 3 players from the second group had an unsatisfactory result (24.99 %) 3 had a satisfactory result (24.99 %), 2 had a good result(16.66 %) and 4 had excellent (33.32 %).

The results of physical and technical preparation of young football players in 2 years beginners` groups give reason to conclude that there is a significant difference in the level of physical and technical preparation of sportsmen.


In this way, these results characterize the state of fitness of an young football player`s organism at the age of 9. After analyzing the physical and technical preparation of young football players, we can conclude that the level of preparation is low enough. This suggests that the trainers — need to pay more attention to the physical preparation of athletes, because only on the basis of good physical fitness of a beginner we can get a high quality technical player. Therefore, increasing the level of physical fitness — is one of the most important task, which we try to decide at the training sessions at the stage of initial training of young players.


  1. Godik M. A. Physical training of football players / M. A. Godik. — M.: Terra Sports: Olympia Press, 2006. — 272 p.
  2. Godik, M. A. Criteria and value of anaerobic alaktatnyh opportunities of players: theory and practice of Physical Culture / M. A. Godik, E. V. Skomorokhov. — 1978. — № 8. — 50.
  3. Matveev L. P. Foundation of sports training. — M.: FIS, 1987–387 p.
  4. Platonov V. M. Modern problems of sports training. — M.: FIS, 1981. — 387 p.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): FIS.

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